QAR - Education & Training

The QAR Education & Training dashboard shows a summary of achievement rates for Education & Training aims.

Overall Achievement Rate

Shows the overall cohort per year, broken down by achievers and non-achievers.

Overall Retention Rate

Shows the overall cohort per year, broken down by completers and non-completers.

Overall Pass Rate

Shows the overall completers per year, broken down by achievers and non-achievers.

Timely Achievement Rate

Shows the timely cohort per year, broken down by timely achievers and non-achievers.

Timely achievement is no longer officially measured in the QAR, but is included for internal use.

Overall Cohort by Completion Status

Shows the overall cohort per year, broken down by the aim completion status.

Overall Cohort by Outcome

Shows the overall cohort per year, broken down by the aim outcome.

Rates Comparison

Shows the achievement rate percentages over time for each measure.

Details Table

Shows the breakdown of learners and aims used on the dashboard. Clicking on a figure in one of the other charts will filter the table by the relevant learners and aims.