How to set up a file store in Maytas
This document will take you through the steps for setting up a Maytas 5 file store so that files can be uploaded for learners, assessors and employers.
- In Maytas 5, click the M button at the top-left and click the Options button.
- Scroll down to the Maytas 5 section and select Admin on the left.
- On the right, scroll down to the File Store section.
Tick the box next to The location that the file store puts trainee files and enter the folder location that you wish to use for the file store (e.g. C:\M5Files). If this is entered as a local location, it will point at the machine where M5 Server Manager runs. You can also enter a shared location (e.g. \\servername\sharename).
The specified folder must be created if it does not already exist.
- Click OK when finished.
If the file store location is on the same machine as M5 Server Manager (i.e. the Maytas 5 server), this will now work in most instances, as the SYSTEM account should have read/write access to the file store folder.
If the file store location is on a different machine to M5 Server Manager, you may need to give permissions to the M5 server on the file store folder. To do this:
- On the file store machine, browse to the file store folder.
- Right-click the file store folder and click Properties.
- Go to the Security tab.
- Select SYSTEM and click Edit.
- Click Add.
- Click Object Types, ensure Computers is ticked and click OK.
- Enter the name of the M5 server and click Check Names.
- Click OK | OK | OK.
The file store should now work correctly in most situations. However, on some network or security configurations, additional steps may be required. If the file store is not working after following the above steps, please contact Maytas Support for assistance.