Entity Relationships - ILR Tables
A trainee's ILR record is spread over a number of tables.
Related Tables
Table Name | Table Description | Primary Keys | Usually Joins From | Join Type | Joins On | Details |
TRAINEE | Trainee Basic Details | TRAINEEID | Stores a trainee's basic details, such as name, address, etc. | |||
TRAINEEPOT | Trainee Period of Training | TRAINEEID, POT | TRAINEE | One to many | TRAINEEID | Stores data for a specific period of training (POT), such as start date, termination date and contractor. |
TRAINEEPOT2 | Trainee POT Details 2 | TRAINEEID, POT | TRAINEEPOT | One to one | TRAINEEID, POT | An extension of TRAINEEPOT data. |
TRAINEEDETAILS | Trainee Trackable Info | TRAINEEID, Q_DETAILID | TRAINEEPOT | One to many | TRAINEEID, POT | Stores trackable, POT-specific data, such as aim refrence and disability status. |
TRAINEE_ILR_AIMS | ILR Subsidiary Aims | TRAINEEID, POT, AIMNO | TRAINEEPOT | One to many | TRAINEEID, POT | Stores ILR sub-aims. |
TRAINEE_ILR_EMPSTAT | Trainee ILR Employment Status | TRAINEEID, EMPSTATNO | TRAINEE | One to many | TRAINEEID | Stores a trainee's employment history. This is independent of POTs. |
TRAINEE_ILR_DELFAM_LSF | Learning Support Funding | TRAINEEID, POT, LSFID | TRAINEEPOT or TRAINEE_ILR_AIMS | One to many | TRAINEEID, POT, AIMNO | Stores aim-specific LSF records for a trainee. |
TRAINEE_ILR_DELFAM_ALB | 24+ Advanced Learning Loans Bursary Funding | TRAINEEID, POT, ALBID | TRAINEEPOT or TRAINEE_ILR_AIMS | One to many | TRAINEEID, POT, AIMNO | Stores aim-specific ALB records for a trainee. |
TRAINEE_ILR_DESTINATIONS | Trainee ILR Destinations | TRAINEEID, DESTNO | TRAINEE | One to many | TRAINEEID | Stores a trainee's destination and progression after learning has ended. |
TRAINEE_ILR_WORKPLACEMENT | Trainee ILR Work Placements | TRAINEEID, POT, WORKPLACENO | TRAINEEPOT | One to many | TRAINEEID, POT | Stores work placement records during a POT. |
TRAINEE_ILR_APP_TRAILBLAZER | ILR Trailblazer Financial | TRAINEEID, POT, TRAILNO | TRAINEEPOT | One to many | TRAINEEID, POT | Stores Apprenticeship Trailblazer financial records. |