ILR Destination Tracking

This guide is for destination tracking with ILR learners. The LLWR guide can be found here.

Destination Tracking is a chargeable module - please contact your account manager for information on purchasing it.


Welcome to the wiki guide for the Maytas Destination Tracking service. As this module utilises a cloud-hosted service, it is important that you follow this guide carefully and supply us with all the correct information we need to allow your system access to the service.

Once we have enabled your access, this guide will provide you with all you need to know in order to monitor and act upon the data the service returns. It is important that you complete the test case before enabling this for all learners.

We look forward to receiving your feedback.


Details Form

A form must be completed and returned to Tribal at The form is used by Tribal to configure settings such as the email address from which surveys are sent, the survey email content and the company logo displayed on the survey. The form can be downloaded here.

System Configs

A number of system config options are available for destination tracking. To locate them in Maytas:

  1. Click the M5 button at the top-left and select Options.
  2. Select Admin on the left, under the Maytas 5 header.
  3. The config options can be found under Destination tracking on the right.

Details of the configs are as follows:

Destinations Tracking Overview

When a learner leaves, the tracking system sends them a link to a short survey (via email or SMS) with questions about their activities since leaving. The answers are then used to derive the appropriate destination codes and populate the destination fields accordingly. There are several stages to this process:

When learners are contacted

All learners who are subject to destination tracking will be sent surveys:

Previously, the timeframe in which learners were sent surveys depended on the funding model.

ILR learners who may not be contacted

ILR learners are not sent surveys if their ILR contact preferences indicate that they should not be contacted. The two relevant fields are restricted use indicator (RUI), which determines whether the learner may be contacted at all, and preferred method of contact (PMC), which determines whether the learner must not be contacted by post, phone or email. The following table details which contact preferences result in surveys being sent or not sent:

RUI PMC Send by email? Send by SMS?
2, 3, 4 or 5 selected Any No No
None of 2, 3, 4 or 5 selected 2 selected, 3 not selected Yes No
None of 2, 3, 4 or 5 selected 3 selected, 2 not selected No Yes
None of 2, 3, 4 or 5 selected 2 and 3 selected No No
None of 2, 3, 4 or 5 selected 2 and 3 not selected Yes Yes

For scenarios where the learner may not be contacted by both email and SMS, an ILR destinations row is inserted with an outcome code of OTH-3, a start date of the day after the POT termination date, a blank end date and a collection date of the current date.


If a learner unsubscribes from the survey or does not respond to the survey within a configurable number of days, this is considered a non-response and a row with an outcome code of OTH-3 (unable to contact learner) is inserted into the destinations table for that learner. These cases are also flagged in the destinations tracking report so that they can be reviewed if necessary.

Derived dates

The start date, end date and collection date values which are inserted into the ILR destinations table once the survey has been completed are derived as follows:


The ILR Destinations Tracking report can be used for reporting on learners in a number of circumstances:

The report can be found in the Destinations Tracking folder of the reports library.

Clicking on a learner in the results will show a list of ALL their destination records, including records derived from other surveys or entered manually.


Test Case

Once the system has been set up, we recommend running a test case to see how destination tracking works in practice. This should be done using a test / dummy learner record rather than a real learner record.

It is important to note that once the config to enable destination tracking has been turned on, all valid learners with a POT termination date on or after the back-population date will be included in the initial test run. Therefore it is important to leave the config to enable destination tracking turned off until the test case has been completed and you are satisfied the system is configured correctly.

A tool is available to manually run a test case while the config is turned off. This must be enabled in the permissions editor:

  1. In Maytas, go to Tools | Edit Permissions.
  2. Select the user who requires the permissions and go to the Commands tab.
  3. Expand the Trainee Editor section.
  4. Tick the Is Set box for the two permissions: Get Destination Survey Results and Send Destination Survey.
  5. Click Apply and restart Maytas.

Next, the dummy ILR learner record should be created and the test survey sent:

  1. Create the dummy ILR learner record. As a minimum, this should include the main aim funding model, an email address and phone number you have access to and the POT termination date.
  2. In the learner record, go to the Actions tab.
  3. Click Tools on the ribbon and select Send destination survey. This will send a survey link only for this learner (this only has to be done manually for the test case - in normal circumstances when destination tracking is enabled, survey links are sent automatically).
  4. You should then shortly receive an email and an SMS containing the survey link. Follow either the email or SMS link and complete the survey.
  5. In Maytas, go to the Management tab and click Get Responses on the ribbon.
  6. A message will appear stating how many destination records were retrieved. Click OK on the message.
  7. Open the learner record and go to the ILR tab. The Destinations table should have one or more rows generated from your answers in the survey.
  8. Run the ILR Destinations Tracking report with Use date range to show sent surveys or survey responses set to Show survey responses in date range (leave other parameters as default). The learner record should appear in the results.

Once you are satisfied with the test case and wish to enable destination tracking for all applicable learners: