Student Loans Interface

The Student Loans interface allows you to import learner information and attendance work lists from the Student Loans Company. Maytas 5 will then attempt to match the imported records with Maytas records.

Upload Files from the SLC

To upload a learner information or attendance file from the Student Loans Company:

  1. Go to the Exports tab and click:

    Upload | Upload Learner Information


    Upload | Upload Attendance

  2. Browse to and select the file and click Open.
  3. Once the file has finished importing, select Upload | Match Trainees. This will match the imported records to Maytas records where possible, based on name and ULN and learning aim reference.

SLC Reports

There are two reports available: View Matched / Unmatched Learners and SLC Reconciler.

View Matched / Unmatched Learners

This report shows which imported records have been matched to Maytas records and which have not been matched. To run the report, go to the Exports tab and on the Student Loans Tools panel select Reports | View Matched / Unmatched Learners.

The report has four parameters:

SLC Reconciler

This report shows differences in data between matched rows. Fields which have differences are highlighted red. To run the report, go to the Exports tab and on the Student Loans Tools panel select Reports | SLC Reconciler.

The report has five parameters:

SLC Imported Data Tab

Each learner now has a tab called SLC Imported Data on their record which shows any imported SLC rows which have been matched to them. There are separate tables for Learner Information and Attendance records, both of which are read-only.

Output Files

Attendance files can be exported from Maytas. To do this, go to the Exports tab and on the Student Loans Tools panel, select either:

Output | Last attendance file – This outputs the last imported attendance file.


Output | Available Attendance Files – This lets you choose which imported file to output.

You can then choose where to save the output file.