QAR Reconciler

This report is not supported for years beyond 2017/18.

In response to the increased complexity of the QAR calculation, we have produced a QAR reconciler report to help identify why differences occur between the published QAR and the Maytas achievement rates. Understanding the causes of differences can lead to better data quality and accuracy so that differences are reduced in the future.

To use the QAR reconciler you must first upload a QAR file:

  1. Extract the contents of your QAR zip file. The file that needs to be imported is the 1718 QAR InYear (or full year) Apps (not APPS_Excluded).
  2. Go to Management on the toolbar.
  3. Go to Upload QAR | Upload QAR Apps file on the ribbon.

  4. Browse to and select the QAR file to be imported and click Open.
  5. The import will now take place.


Using the Report

The report is called QAR Reconciler and can be found in the Quality folder of the reports library.

The report has two parameters:

The report consists of three levels. The top level (shown above) shows a summary of the figures from Maytas and the QAR and their differences. Each of these figures drills down into the second level, which shows a list of the relevant learners and their data from Maytas and the QAR (note that there are more columns than shown on the screenshot below). Differences are highlighted red:

Clicking a learner name will go to the third level, which shows all relevant Maytas and QAR details for that learner, including a history of ILR export data, change history for important fields and a list of the probable causes of differences.

ILR Export History

The top-left table shows a selection of ILR export data that is relevant to the QAR calculation. This does not show ALL ILR export data for the learner – for example, if the completion status was changed from 1 to 2, the value of 2 may be included in 20 export files but the report may only show the earliest and latest exports with the completion status of 2. Essentially, the data in this table is what the Maytas achievement rates consider when calculating the results.

The export data can be used to show, for example, that a change of actual end date or completion status in the live data has never been exported, and therefore the ESFA cannot use it in their calculations meaning their results will be different.

It can also show that a change of value WAS exported but is different to the value in the QAR, which would mean either the export file was never submitted to the ESFA or it was submitted too late to be counted in the published QAR. There is now a flag on the ILR export screen to indicate an export has not been submitted, which the Maytas achievement rates will then take into account, meaning the results will match closer to the QAR. Details of this can be found in the Not Submitted Flag section.

Change History

This table shows the history of when values for completion status, actual end date and learner reference number were changed for the learner. This can be useful for checking whether a value was changed after the R14 deadline for a contract year, or for investigating values that have changed back and forth, resulting in unusual differences between live data and exported data.

Probable Causes of Discrepancies

This lists probable reasons for why there are differences between the Maytas achievement rates and the QAR. It is important to note that the listed causes are indicative only, and should be used as a guide for what to investigate. It is possible that there may be additional reasons for differences that cannot be directly derived from the available data.

These are the possible causes that can be derived, along with suggested ways to investigate:

While the above reasons cannot account for every possible scenario that could cause a difference, they are the most common reasons for discrepancies. Many of them can be addressed simply by flagging relevant ILR exports as not having been submitted, which removes those exports from consideration in the QAR calculation.

Reconciliation Data

The achievement rate reports offer two different views of data: expected future published QAR results (the default) and expected current published QAR results. The QAR reconciler uses the latter, as it is designed specifically to match the expected published results as closely as possible by using exported data rather than live data in certain circumstances.

Not Submitted Flag

The ILR export submission screen now has a Not submitted checkbox which can be ticked to indicate that an export was not sent to the ESFA. The achievement rates will then take this into account and ignore any data from that export. Making use of this can significantly improve accuracy when trying to reconcile the Maytas achievement rates with published QAR files.

Analysing Differences

Starting Point

The most important figures on the first page of the QAR Reconciler are those in bold: QAR total, Maytas total and Matched rows. The two totals are a simple count of the number of rows from the QAR and Maytas where the overall cohort is in the contract year you've selected in the parameters. Matched rows is the number of rows where Maytas agrees with the QAR, so the closer it is to the QAR total, the better.

As a starting point for analysing differences, we recommend drilling down on the top-right figure: QAR total / Difference from matched rows. That figure essentially means there are x number of learners in the QAR where the overall cohort for the selected year is different in Maytas; i.e. most differences are likely to be in this count. When you drill into that number, the second level of the report is shown which lists the relevant learners with differences in data highlighted. The most important columns to look for differences in are:

To see greater detail for a learner, click their name to drilldown. This shows as much relevant data as is available, but the first place to check is the top-right box: Probable causes of discrepancies. This lists any scenarios identified from the data which could be the cause of differences (see above for details of these causes). The other tables here are intended to aid analysis.

Analysis Example

The following example shows how the report can be used to identify, explain and resolve a difference between Maytas and the QAR. It focuses on a learner, Jacob Matthews, with 2017/18 selected as the contract year.

To begin with, we drill down into the Difference from matched rows for the QAR total.

Jacob Matthews is listed here. Maytas has his Year Aim Submitted as 17/18 whereas the QAR says 16/17, and also the QAR is counting him as an overall leaver whereas Maytas says he is a continuing learner.

Both Maytas and the QAR agree that the completion status is 1 (continuing) and that no actual end date has been entered, which indicates that the learner should be continuing. Since the QAR counts him as an overall leaver with a completion status of 1 and no actual end date, this means the ESFA must be counting him as an overdue continuing learner.

The important difference here is Year Aim Submitted, because the data in the QAR suggests Jacob was last submitted in 16/17 and went through all of 17/18 without being included in a submission, which is why he is considered overdue continuing. The data in Maytas says he was submitted in 17/18 and so is still a valid continuing learner.

We drilldown into his details to view the ILR export history. The probable cause is, as expected, that the Maytas data was last exported for 17/18 but the QAR Year Aim Submitted is 16/17. The export table at the top-left shows that Jacob was last included in a 17/18 export on 01/03/2018. Since that is a significant amount of time ago, the ESFA should have picked that up in the QAR by now if the ILR export was submitted to them, so we have to conclude that either it was not submitted or Jacob's data in the export was not used.

The next step is to speak to the relevant data manager to try and figure out if the ILR export was submitted to the ESFA. If not, we go to the relevant ILR export in Maytas and tick the Not Submitted box (and do the same for any other exports known to have not been submitted), then re-run the QAR cache (Support tab, Ofsted Update button). Jacob's data should then match between Maytas and the QAR.

If the export WAS submitted to the ESFA, we would recommend contacting the ESFA to determine why the Year Aim Submitted is still listed as 16/17.