5.16 SP1 e-track Online Release Notes


Overdue Tasks

When an assessor or learner user views their tasks, any tasks that are overdue will now display as red. Tasks are considered overdue when their target date is in the past and they are not completed.

Ordering of Communities

The order in which communities are displayed on the main communities screen can now be controlled with a display index.

  1. Go to Community on the taskbar.
  2. Click the Actions button and select Edit Mode.
  3. Click the button next to a community and select Edit.

  4. Communities are ordered by the Display Index field, which defaults to 0. Enter a number for this community and click Save.
  5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for other communities to order them with the display index.

Message Folders

Messages in e-track can now be organised into folders. Folders are user-specific and are available for assessor and learner users.

To create a folder:

  1. Go to Messages on the taskbar.
  2. Click Manage Folders.

  3. Click Create New Folder.
  4. Enter a name for the folder. You can also enter a display index, which determines the order in which folders are displayed.

  5. Click Save Folder.
  6. The folder will appear in the Manage Folders list, and also on the left under Inbox. Click a folder to edit it. You can also delete folders from the edit screen or delete them in bulk from the Manage Folders screen by ticking the box next to the folders to delete and clicking the Delete Selected button.

To put messages in a folder:

  1. On the Messages screen, click Inbox.
  2. Tick the box next to each message you wish to move.

  3. Click Actions and select Move to Folder…

  4. Select the folder to move the messages to from the dropdown list and click Move.
  5. A message will appear asking you to confirm the move. Click OK to continue.
  6. Click the folder on the left to view the moved messages.

Confirmation of Online Applications

Online application forms can now include the option to send a confirmation message to the learner upon completing the form. The learner must have a valid email address entered against them.

To enable this feature, a change is required to the form in the Maytas screen designer:

  1. In Maytas, go to Tools on the toolbar.
  2. Click New / Load on the Screens panel of the ribbon.
  3. Browse to and open the screen which is used for the application form.
  4. On the Overview tab on the left, tick the Email Learner box. Note that this will only appear if Application Form is selected above.

  5. Click Apply.
  6. Go to Home on the toolbar and click Sync.

The email body sent to learners can be modified in the e-track system configuration options:

  1. In e-track, go to Settings on the taskbar and click the System configuration button.
  2. Select Admin on the left (under the e-track Online header).
  3. Scroll down to the Online Applications section on the right and locate the config Email body for successfully completed applications.
  4. Ensure the checkbox is ticked for the config. The config consists of the email body that will be sent, in HTML format.

    <p>Hi {FNAME} {LNAME},</p>
    	<p>You have successfully completed an online application form.</p>
    	<p>Thanks, Admin</p>

    The {FNAME} and {LNAME} parameters will automatically retrieve the learner's first name and last name.

  5. Modify the body as required and click Save.

File Picker in e-track Screens and Forms

e-track screens and application forms created in the Maytas screen designer can now use file picker controls so that files can be uploaded to a learner's file store. To do this:

  1. In Maytas, go to Tools on the toolbar.
  2. Click New / Load on the Screens panel of the ribbon.
  3. Browse to and open the screen to modify (or create a new screen).
  4. Go to the Controls tab at the bottom-left.
  5. Under Trainee Controls on the left, expand the Custom section.
  6. Drag the File Picker control onto the screen where required.
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Go to Home on the toolbar and click Sync.
  9. The file picker will now appear on the screen or form in e-track.

View Visits when Assessing Evidence

When an assessor assesses evidence files submitted by a learner, the first screen which shows a list of visits to assign the files to now has a button at the end of each row to open the visit. The outcome of the visit is also now displayed, and all visits for the learner are included regardless of which assessor performed the visit.

Visits Evidence Guide

When viewing the list of visits for a learner, there is now a Modules button which appears on visit rows where modules have been referenced.

Clicking the Modules button will show a pop-up which lists the referenced modules.

Files Ordering

The files tab for learner users now orders files by descending upload date, so that the most recent files are at the top. This matches how the files tab for assessor users already worked.

Objectives Ordering

The module editor now lets you enter a display index against units and elements within a module so that the order in which they appear can be manually specified. If no display index is entered, the module code is used to order instead.

To order units and elements:

  1. Go to Browse Modules on the taskbar.
  2. Search for the module you wish to order and click edit at the end of the row.
  3. The units and elements will be displayed.

    Select the first unit or element you wish to order and click Edit.

  4. Scroll to the bottom of the editing pane and enter a value in the Display Index field.

  5. Scroll back up and click Save.
  6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 to enter additional index values as required.

The specified ordering will take effect on the following screens:

Please note that the ordering is not applied to the module editor.

Tasks Ordering

Tasks are now ordered by their target date. This applies to tasks on the learner summary screen for assessor and learner logins and the learner home page for learner logins.

Module Exports and Imports

When exporting modules from the module editor, all editable fields from the module table are now included, and these fields are also now included on imports.

Pending Tasks

When a learner submits evidence for a task, the task will now show as amber for the learner until the assessor has accepted or rejected it.

GeoTrack Standard Code Filter

Apprenticeship standard code has been added to GeoTrack as a filter for the map. To access it, click the Filter button and select Standard Code.

Select the codes to filter on click the cross at the top-right of the pop-up. The filter is based on the standard code from the programme aim, not the main/POT aim.

Note that GeoTrack filters work by showing results that match ANY of the selected filters, rather than showing results that match ALL of the filters. Therefore, you may need to de-select some of the sector filters for the standard code filters to take effect (and vice-versa).

Task Numbers or Names

Tasks can now be configured to show either the task number or the task name:

  1. Go to Settings on the taskbar and click the System configuration button.
  2. Select Admin on the left (under the e-track Online header).
  3. In the General section on the right, locate the config Display task numbers instead of task names.
  4. Ensure the box for the config is ticked. To display task numbers, set the toggle button to ON. To display task names, set the toggle button to OFF.
  5. Click Save.