Item ID
664284 |
Data Authentication - Multiple Employer ticking |
664285 |
Add Trainee using data collection forms |
690981 |
Screen designer - NI Number format validation |
701873 |
ILR 2020-21 - Rollover - Validation Rules |
713006 |
Performance improvements on Community tables |
713831 |
StatsService - employer postcodes only matching on SITEID |
713957 |
Make regex work in e-track custom tabs |
715112 |
Learner Data Collection Form POT Selection |
715309 |
Enabling Engage webuser permissions with NULL set in Engage SYSTEMCONFIG causes error in webuser editor |
726502 |
Learner evidence wizard confirmation step |
726698 |
Learner evidence wizard off the job step |
726776 |
Create a new learner to replace the existing process |
727201 |
Accessibility Statement |
727301 |
ILR 2019-20 Validation Version 6 changes |
727569 |
New Learner - TRASSESSOR Link |
727612 |
Restricted Assessor feedback |
727761 |
Error message when trying to open Notes tab in visits |
727953 |
Add a link between traineeportfolio and off the job training |
728007 |
Capitalisation Issue on Learner Record Creation |
728727 |
Mobile - Data collection forms for employer - form name doesnt fit on the page |
728875 |
Two Tabs Utilising Same Table/Grid |
729279 |
messages - sms texts not sending |
729502 |
Evidence Wizard - Learner Login - Going back on the last page casues Finish to grey out |
729745 |
Data Collection forms - If a user has an existing folder in filestore the report will fail to upload |
729747 |
web user editor throws an error if there is a tab with an onlinepublish of A |
729839 |
Object ref error when creating web user without associated record |
729865 |
Custom new trainee forms not working with TRAINEEDETAILS fields |