Maytas Beta Upgrade Guide
This upgrade is a beta version and MUST ONLY be applied to a test system, not a live system.
If you use ebs-Link, please follow the
This document will take you through the steps for applying upgrades to existing systems using Maytas 5 Server Manager.
Maytas 5 Server Manager allows you to setup and maintain a Maytas 5 ClickOnce server and a Maytas 5 data service very easily, and upgrades can be applied through a simple interface.
Please note that these instructions should be performed on your Maytas 5 server.
Both Maytas and e-track must be upgraded to 5.21 concurrently as there are updates which are not compatible with earlier versions.
It is critical that any test environment is installed on a separate machine to your live environment as of this upgrade. This is because the export service has changed and will not work on previous versions of Maytas.
If you have modified any standard tabs (e.g. the ILR or LLWR tabs), please ensure you have exported these before upgrading as they may be overwritten in the upgrade if new versions are included. The modified tabs can then be re-imported after the upgrade.
If you have any ILR Traineeship learners, these should be entered on one POT with sub-aims, rather than a POT for each aim.
If you receive an error when upgrading, DO NOT CONTINUE. Please contact Maytas Support, as you may need to perform additional actions. Continuing with an upgrade after an error may result in serious issues.
It is important to uninstall any previous versions of Maytas and e-track on your system, including old training or testing versions. Leaving old versions on your system can lead to increased security risks.
Upgrade Maytas
Uninstall Server Manager
When upgrading Maytas 5, Server Manager should first be upgraded to apply the new services. The easiest way to do this is to uninstall the existing version of Server Manager and install the new version provided with each Maytas 5 release. Please note that uninstalling Server Manager will not lose your existing data services and ClickOnce sites. These will still be available once the new version of Server Manager is installed.
- Uninstall the program called Maytas5 Server (the method for this will vary depending on your version of Windows).
- If any M5 data services or ClickOnce sites are running, you will be prompted to stop them. Click OK to do this.
- Server Manager will now be uninstalled.
Install the new version of Server Manager
- Browse to the Server Manager folder of the Maytas 5 release and double-click Setup.exe.
- Click Next on each screen to accept the default installation directory and install Server Manager.
- Click Close once the installation is complete.
You can now start Server Manager by going to Start | All Programs | Tribal | Maytas 5 Server Manager.
Apply the Maytas 5 upgrade
It is strongly recommended that a backup of the database is taken before applying any database changes.
On the Data services tab, select the relevant data service. After a few seconds this will refresh and you will see a notice that database changes are required.
If the label next to Apply says Reports importing is on, the ILR and LLWR reports will be automatically imported during the upgrade. If you wish to change this, click it and it will toggle between on and off.
The Reports Library must be installed separately. This is detailed in the Upgrade the Reports Library section.
- Click Stop to stop the services.
When the service status says Stopped, click Apply. This will open a separate window confirming each work item has been applied. When it has finished, click Close.
If you receive an error on an item, you will not be able to continue until it has been resolved. Please contact Maytas Support for assistance in resolving the issue.
- Click Start and wait for the status to change to Running.
- On the ClickOnce sites tab, click the
- Browse to and select the m5deploy file provided in the Server Manager folder of the upgrade.
Each ClickOnce site and its respective current version will be displayed. The Upgrade Status indicates whether the version about to be applied is an upgrade, a downgrade or the same as the current version.
To upgrade all sites, click the Upgrade all applicable checkbox. Otherwise click Apply next to the sites you wish to upgrade.
- Click Next.
- You may be prompted that the destination directory already exists and is not empty. Click No to overwrite the existing folder.
- Click Finish.
- Start Maytas 5, go to the Support tab and click Force Sync.
Client machines will now receive the upgrade the next time they run Maytas 5.
Check Version
Once the upgrade has been completed, the version number should be checked to ensure it has been successful.
- Start Maytas and go to Support on the toolbar.
- Click About.
- The version numbers should read 181.xx / 5.21.7800.1. If you have any other version, please ensure you have followed the instructions correctly. If you require assistance, please contact Maytas Support.
It is the responsibility of customers to ensure that users carry out any required user acceptance testing and sign off on the upgrade.
Funding Cache
Please note that any funding changes included in the upgrade will not be reflected in the cached funding information until the cache has been refreshed. On most systems, this will be scheduled to run periodically, but it can also be run manually in Maytas by going to Management | Profiles and clicking the Funding Cache button.
Cached funding information is used in several places in Maytas, including most standard finance reports.
Install BKSB Integration Licence
If you have purchased and received a BKSB integration licence, it must be installed in Maytas Server Manager (if you are a hosted customer, this will be done by our Technical Services team):
- Start Server Manager.
- Select the required data service and click Licences.
- Click the
- Browse to and select the licence file and click Open.
- Click Close.
- Stop and restart the data service.