In Learning


The In Learning dashboard shows a breakdown of the learners in learning each month over a selected time period, as well as a summary of finances.


In Learning by Month

Shows the number of learners who were in learning in each month. To be counted in a month, a learner must have been in learning for at least one day in that month (i.e. the POT start date is on or before the last day of the month and the POT termination date is either not entered or is on or after the first day of the month).

Starts by Month

Shows the number of learners who started each month, based on the POT start date.

Average Caseload Size

Shows the average caseload size of each assessor across the selected time period. This is calculated as follows:


In this example, we will show the year-to-date view going up to October. The group of learners and assessors has been identified and the caseload sizes for each month are as follows:

Assessor Month Caseload size
Darren Moorghen August 15
Darren Moorghen September 12
Darren Moorghen October 14
Julia Ringrose August 18
Julia Ringrose September 20
Julia Ringrose October 21
David Brockbank August 16
David Brockbank September 15
David Brockbank October 15

To calculate the average caseload size year-to-date, the caseload sizes are totaled to 146. This is then divided by the total number of rows, which is 9, giving an average caseload size of 16.2.

Live Learners by Employer

Shows the number of learners currently in learning (i.e. where POT termination date is not entered) at each employer, in descending order of the most learners.

If a learner has multiple active links to employers, only the link with the most recent start date is included. Note that employment type is not taken into consideration here.

Starts by Employer

Shows the number of learners who have started at each employer during the selected time period, in descending order of the most starters. This is based on the POT start date.

If a learner has multiple active links to employers, only the link with the most recent start date is included. Note that employment type is not taken into consideration here.

In Learning by Ethnicity

Shows the number of learners who were in learning in each month, split by ethnicity. To be counted in a month, a learner must have been in learning for at least one day in that month (i.e. the POT start date is on or before the last day of the month and the POT termination date is either not entered or is on or after the first day of the month).

In Learning by Gender

Shows the number of learners who were in learning in each month, split by gender. To be counted in a month, a learner must have been in learning for at least one day in that month (i.e. the POT start date is on or before the last day of the month and the POT termination date is either not entered or is on or after the first day of the month).

In Learning by Health Condition

Shows the number of learners who were in learning in each month, split by health condition. To be counted in a month, a learner must have been in learning for at least one day in that month (i.e. the POT start date is on or before the last day of the month and the POT termination date is either not entered or is on or after the first day of the month).

This uses LP30 Disability Type for LLWR learners and Primary LLDD and health problem for ILR learners.

Earned Cash (YTD or for rolling year)

Shows the total cash from the funding cache (TRAINEE_ER_CASH_ROLLING_CACHE) for learners who were active during the selected time period.

Cash this Month

Shows the total cash from the funding cache (TRAINEE_ER_CASH_ROLLING_CACHE) for the current month.

Cash Last Month

Shows the total cash from the funding cache (TRAINEE_ER_CASH_ROLLING_CACHE) for the previous month.

Starts by Ethnicity

Shows the number of learners who started each month, split by ethnicity. The start month is based on the POT start date.

Starts by Gender

Shows the number of learners who started each month, split by gender. The start month is based on the POT start date.

Starts by Health Condition

Shows the number of learners who started each month, split by health condition. The start month is based on the POT start date.

This uses LP30 Disability Type for LLWR learners and Primary LLDD and health problem for ILR learners.