The Leavers dashboard shows a breakdown of leavers and learner destinations over a selected time period.
Leavers by Month
Shows the number of learners who ended learning (based on the POT termination date) during each month.
New Suspensions by Month
Shows the number of learners who began a planned break or suspended learning in each month. Note that this only shows the new planned breaks / suspensions in each month, not the ongoing number.
ILR learners are counted as being on a planned break if their programme aim completion status is 6 (or if the main aim completion status is 6 if there is no programme aim). The POT termination date of the planned break determines the month in which it is counted.
LLWR learners are counted as having suspended learning if one or more of their activities has a completion status of 5. The activity termination date determines the month in which it is counted. If multiple activities on the same POT are suspended in different months (e.g. one activity begins a suspension in March and another activity begins a suspension in April), the learner will be counted once in each of those months. In most cases it is expected that all activities would be suspended at the same time and so the learner would only be counted once.
Total Suspensions by Month
Shows the total number of ongoing planned breaks / suspensions for each month. This includes the new breaks / suspensions for each month shown in the previous chart, as well as the ongoing breaks / suspensions that carry forward from the preceding month.
A new database view called BI_LEAVERS_PLANNEDBREAKS has been created to derive the data for each month, which providers may find useful for other reporting purposes. The view lists each learner and POT with a planned break or suspension, showing when it began, if and when it ended and the restart POT number (if relevant).
ILR planned breaks
ILR learners are counted as being on a planned break if their programme aim completion status is 6 (or if the main aim completion status is 6 if there is no programme aim). The POT termination date of the planned break determines the month in which the break begins, and the POT start date of the restart record (if present) is when the break ends.
A restart record is identified as a different POT to the planned break where:
- the programme aim restart indicator is 1 (or if the main aim restart indicator is 1 if there is no programme aim)
- the main aim learning aim reference matches between the break and the restart
- the restart POT start date is after the planned break's POT termination date
LLWR suspended activities
To derive the overall duration of a suspension for a LLWR POT, each activity in the POT with a completion status of 5 is identified first. Each of those activities is then checked to see if it has restarted, based on there being another activity with the same aim reference in the same or a later POT, with a start date after the suspended activity's termination date.
The overall start and end dates for the suspension are then taken as the earliest termination date of the suspended activities and the latest start date of the restarted activities.
Withdrawals by Month
Shows the number of learners who withdrew from learning in each month.
For ILR learners, this is where the programme completion status is 3 (or where the main aim completion status is 3, if there is no programme aim) and where the POT termination date is in the month.
For LLWR learners, this is where the LP41 Termination Reason is 02, 04, 05, 06, 07, 09, 11, 16 or 99 and where the POT termination date is in the month.
Destinations by Month
Shows the number of destinations each month, split by the outcome type for ILR learners and the Immediate Destination for LLWR learners.
For ILR learners, this is based on a learner's destination records, using the collection date to determine the month in which a destination is counted. Each destination record is counted separately (i.e. not one per learner / POT).
For LLWR learners, this is based on LP79 Immediate Destination having a valid value other than 00 (continuing). The POT termination date determines the month in which the destination is counted.
Level Progressions by Month
Shows learners who progressed to an aim of a higher level.
ILR progressions
For ILR learners, this is based on the notionalnvqlevelv2 field from the LARS table fis_lars_learningdelivery, where a learner has started a new POT where the main aim is of a higher level than on the previous POT. The POT counted in the chart is the second / higher level aim.
The level values from the LARS are converted and compared as follows:
notionalnvqlevelv2 value | Level used in chart |
E | 0 |
M | 0 |
U | 0 |
X | 0 |
H | 9 |
All other values | Unchanged |
LLWR progressions
For LLWR progressions, this is based on an LP79 value of 15 (progressed to a higher level aim) or 19 (progressed to higher education).