Business Health Check

The Business Health Check dashboard shows a summary of current figures and a comparison of target vs actual starters.

Current Figures

Shows a summary of key figures from the past rolling 12 months.

The 12 month timeframe is defined as the last full 12 months - i.e. not including the current month. For example, if the current month was June 2024, the timeframe would cover 1st June 2023 to 31st May 2024.

Targets vs Actual Starts

Shows the targeted number of learners to start each month compared to the actual number of learners who started.

Target starts are stored in the BI2_STARTTARGETS table and can be entered in Maytas 5 for each month and contractor. First, a tab must be imported:

  1. In Maytas, go to Tools on the toolbar and click Import on the Screens panel of the ribbon.

  2. Click Browse.

  3. Browse to the Maytas\Extras\Tabs folder of the latest Maytas upgrade.

  4. Select the BI Start Targets.m5tab package and click Open.

  5. Click Next, then click Finish.

  6. Go to Home on the toolbar and click Sync.

Target starts can then be entered as follows:

  1. In Maytas, go to Management on the toolbar and click Contracts on the Finance panel of the ribbon.

  2. On the left, select the contractor you wish to enter target starts for.

  3. On the right, select the Start Targets tab.

  4. Double-click a cell in the Target Starts column to edit the number for each row as required.

  5. You can filter the rows displayed by clicking the button. This will display a dropdown box where you can choose the column to filter by and a text box where you can enter the value to filter by.

    Click the button to apply the filter.

  6. Click Apply when finished.

Overall Target Progress

Shows the sum of actual starts compared to the sum of target starts over the past 12 months.

In the image below, the target is indicated by the black line at 48K and the actual starts are shown by the blue bar (51K).

If the actual starts are less than the target starts, the target will be the far extremity and the actual starts will show the blue bar relative to that.

Starts Surplus / Deficit

Shows the surplus or deficit of actual starts compared to target starts over the past 12 months.

Details Table

Shows the breakdown of learners used on the dashboard. Clicking on a figure in one of the other charts will filter the table by the relevant learners.

Note that clicking target starts will not display any learners in the table, as targets do not represent any actual learners.