My Learners Widget - Jump To Screens Menu for Learners
The My Learners widget on the assessor dashboard includes a jump-to menu to quickly access a learner's screens. The menu can be accessed by clicking the three dots at the end of a learner's row:
Most of the options jump to the relevant screen on the learner's record, whereas the Edit option lets you edit a learner's personal, contact and programme details.
Configuring the menu
The standard screens which appear on the menu can be configured. The menu can also be removed entirely:
- In Maytas Hub, go to Settings on the sidebar.
- Click the System configuration button.
- Go to Admin on the left (under the Maytas Hub Online header).
- Locate the General section on the right.
- Locate the permission Standard trainee tabs available on the Jump To menu.
- To remove the menu, untick the checkbox for the permission.
- To configure the screens available on the menu, ensure the checkbox for the permission is ticked, then select the required screens from the list.
- Click Save.
Custom screens on menu
Custom screens can also be included on the menu by enabling an option in the Screen Designer:
In Maytas 5, go to Tools on the toolbar and click New / Load on the Screens panel of the ribbon.
Open the screen that you wish to enable on the menu (this guide will assume that the screen is already configured to appear in Hub).
On the left side, tick the Allow on Maytas Hub Jump To menu checkbox.
Click Apply.
Go to Home on the toolbar and click the Sync button.
The custom screen will now appear as an option on the menu in Hub: