
The Learner Wellbeing module provides a simple tool for learners to record feedback on their mood whenever they feel it is appropriate, along with monitoring tools for assessors and managers to help provide learners with additional support as required.

Additionally, a notification tool can be configured to inform users of all types when they have been active in Hub for a specified amount of time, so that they can be reminded to take a break if needed.


The Wellbeing widget is displayed by default for learners. To disable it for a learner or group:

  1. Go to Web User Editor on the sidebar.

  2. Search for and open the user or group that requires permission.

  3. Expand the Dashboard Widgets section.

  4. Locate the Learner Wellbeing permission and select Always Off.

  5. Click Save.

Learner Dashboard

The wellbeing widget is included on the learner dashboard by default.

When a learner selects a mood, this is acknowledged with a message.

If a learner wishes to add more than one mood for the same day, they can click the button at the top-right of the widget and choose again (this adds an additional mood entry, rather than replacing the previous one).

For the two lowest moods, the learner will be asked if they need to talk to someone. Clicking the link will open a new message with their assessor selected as the recipient by default.

The message displayed for the two lowest moods can be configured - see below for details.

Assessor Dashboard

The wellbeing widget can be viewed for an assessor's personal caseload or for the whole team, by toggling the Team Dashboard button at the top of the home screen.

Each mood shows the percentage share and the number of learners who have selected it as their most recent mood. These are collated into the Wellbeing Index, which provides an overall percentage figure for the mood of the caseload(s).

The index is calculated as follows:

The latest submitted mood for each learner is also visible on the My Learners widget on the assessor dashboard.

Configurable Mood Messages and Break Notifications

When a learner selects a negative mood, the message that is displayed to them can be configured. Additionally, settings can be enabled which will notify users (not only learners) when they have been active in Hub for a specified amount of time and encourage them to take a break.

To set the configuration options:

  1. In Maytas Hub, go to Settings on the sidebar.
  2. Click the System configuration button.
  3. Go to Admin on the left (under the Maytas Hub Online header).
  4. Locate the Wellbeing section on the right.
  5. There are three config options. Tick the box for each option you wish to use:
    • Set a custom Learner Wellbeing message - Enter the text you wish to display when a negative mood is selected (note that the text Do you need to talk to someone? will always appear). If the config is disabled, the default text of Your mental health is important will be displayed.

    • Wellbeing notification body - Enter the text you wish to display when users are notified that they have been using Hub for a specified amount of time. The {TIME} parameter can be used to display the time a user has been active (e.g. You have been using Hub for {TIME} - consider taking a break).

    • Wellbeing notification trigger time - Enter the time in minutes after which users should be notified how long they have been using Hub.

  6. Click Save.

If the custom learner wellbeing message is set, learners will see the custom message when they select a negative mood.

If the wellbeing notification options have been set, users will be notified when they have been active in Hub for the specified time. If the user clicks the Continue button, the timer will reset and another notification will be displayed after the specified time interval has elapsed again, showing the total time the user has been active. Clicking Take a break will log the user out.

Learner Wellbeing Report

The Learner Wellbeing Report shows a summary of moods selected by learners in your caseload and your team's caseloads (if applicable) across a date range. The report also shows a list of each learner (grouped by their assessor) and their latest selected mood, and clicking a learner displays a history of all their selected moods.

The report can be accessed in Hub by going to Reports on the sidebar and selecting the Learner Wellbeing report from the dropdown list.



The top of the report shows a summary of the data in the date range, comprised of the number of learners for each mood (based on the learner's most recent selection in the date range) and a pie chart that shows the proportions of each mood.

The table beneath the summary lists each learner who has submitted a mood in the date range, showing their most recently submitted mood in the date range. Note that if a learner has submitted a different mood after the end of the selected date range, the most recent mood from within the date range will be shown instead.

Each row in the table also shows the date and time the mood was submitted, along with the learner's employer and an overview of key dates and progression for their framework. If a learner has multiple frameworks, their most recent one is shown.

Clicking on a learner will open a drilldown report that shows a history of the learner's submitted moods (this is not limited to the date range).