Maytas Hub Release Notes
Technical specification
The latest Maytas and Maytas Hub technical specification can be found here.
Maytas Hub Release Notes – Version 5.28.9010.1
Team Dashboard
The dashboard for assessor manager users now defaults to a team view, showing data from across the manager's team. This can be toggled to the manager's personal caseload view using the Team Dashboard toggle button at the top of the dashboard.
When in team view, each widget displays Team in the top-right corner to indicate that the data is taken from the team, rather than the manager's personal caseload.
There are four new widgets, My Assessors, Team Caseloads, Team Completed Visits and Team Data Collection, which replace the My Learners, Awaiting Assessment, Upcoming Visits and Data Collection widgets on the team view (they are still displayed on the personal caseload view).
If the Team Dashboard data takes a long time to load for certain users, this is likely due to those users having a very large number of assessors under them in the team hierarchy. If you wish to default a user's view to the personal caseload dashboard instead, click the Team Dashboard toggle button to disable the team view, then click the settings wheel at the top-right and click Save.
My Assessors Widget
This shows the assessors in the manager's team. Each assessor shows the last time they logged into Maytas Hub (or if they have no webuser account). Clicking the envelope at the end of an assessor's row will open a new message to be sent to them.
Clicking an assessor will open their caseload screen.
Team Caseloads Widget
This shows the relative caseload sizes of each team member. Hovering the cursor over a segment on the pie chart will show the actual caseload size for that assessor.
Team Completed Visits
This shows visits completed by team members in the past 30 days. Clicking an assessor will show the visit types and dates that they have completed, and clicking a visit will open that visit record.
Any assessors that have not completed any visits in the past 30 days are listed in a separate section, which shows how many outstanding visits they have from the past 30 days.
Team Data Collection
This shows which assessors have and don't have outstanding data collection forms to complete. Clicking each section will list the relevant team members and (if applicable) how many outstanding forms they have.
Active Workflows
Assessor and Maytas users can view a learner's active workflows and at what stage each workflow is at.
This feature is enabled by default via a configuration option, which can be disabled if required as follows:
- In Maytas Hub, go to Settings on the sidebar.
- Click the System configuration button.
- Go to Assessor Login on the left (under the Maytas Hub Online header).
- Locate the Trainee section on the right.
- Locate the Show active workflows on Trainee Summary option and set the toggle button to OFF.
- Click Save.
With the feature enabled, active workflows are displayed at the top of a learner's Summary page. Each stage is shown along with its status.
Clicking a stage will open a pop-up at the top-right of the screen which shows the forms to be completed for that stage, who needs to complete each form and the deadline (if applicable). Click the pop-up to close it.
As stages are completed, this will be reflected in the Active Workflows section.
Workflows - Latest Assessor / Employer of Specific Type
When configuring and invoking workflows that use the Default to latest assessor / employer option, you can now also choose to specify the assessor or employer type.
For example, if a learner has two active assessor records associated with them - an Assessor and a Tutor - selecting the type will tell the workflow whether to use the Assessor record or the Tutor record. If the type is not specified, the record with the most recent start date will be selected.
Employer Login - Option to Remove View Details
The View Details button on the employee summary screen can now be removed for employer users who also have the Restricted employee Summary screen permission.
To remove the View Details button for these users:
- In Maytas Hub, go to Settings on the sidebar.
- Click the System configuration button.
- Go to Employer Login on the left (under the Maytas Hub Online header).
- Locate the General section on the right.
- Tick the box for the Remove View Details with "Restrict Employee Summary" permission option and set the toggle button to ON.
- Click Save.
The View Details button will now be hidden for employer users with the Restricted employee Summary screen permission.
Employer Login - Key Contact on View Details
The View Details screen for employer and employer contact users now displays an employee's key contact.
An option is available to allow a different key contact to be selected, if multiple contacts are available for the relevant employer:
- In Maytas Hub, go to Settings on the sidebar.
- Click the System configuration button.
- Go to Employer Login on the left (under the Maytas Hub Online header).
- Locate the General section on the right.
- Tick the box for the Allow changing of Employer Contact option and set the toggle button to ON.
- Click Save.
When employer users open an employee record and click the View Details button, they will now see an Edit button next to the Key Contact section, if the relevant employer has multiple available contacts.
Clicking the Edit button will display a dropdown box where a new contact can be selected. Click Save to assign the new contact.
View Details - Latest Assessor and Employer
The View Details screen will now by default only show a learner's most recent assessor and employer.
If you wish to show all of a learner's assessors and employers, a configuration option must be disabled:
- In Maytas Hub, go to Settings on the sidebar.
- Click the System configuration button.
- Go to Admin on the left (under the Maytas Hub Online header).
- Locate the General section on the right.
- Locate the Limit Personnel and Employer details in Trainee Summary option and set the toggle button to OFF.
- Click Save.
Showcase Portfolio - Mappings Criteria in Export
When showcase portfolios are exported, any mappings criteria associated with evidence files in the showcase is now included in the export file.
BKSB Link Button
Learners linked to BKSB can now have a button on their dashboard which will take them directly to the BKSB website (or another specified URL). This requires BKSB to be configured on the system, the learner to have a BKSB username (stored in TRAINEEINFO.BKSBUSERNAME) and the button to be enabled via a configuration option:
- In Maytas Hub, go to Settings on the sidebar.
- Click the System configuration button.
- Go to Learner Login on the left (under the Maytas Hub Online header).
- Locate the Action Widget section on the right.
- Tick the box for the BKSB URL option and enter the URL you wish the button to go to in the text box.
- Click Save.
BKSB learners will now see the BKSB button on their dashboard, in the Actions widget.
Skills Forward Link Button
Learners linked to Skills Forward can now have a button on their dashboard which will take them directly to the Skills Forward website (or another specified URL). This requires Skills Forward to be configured on the system, the learner to have a Skills Forward username (stored in TRAINEEINFO.SKILLSFORWARD_USERNAME) and the button to be enabled via a configuration option:
- In Maytas Hub, go to Settings on the sidebar.
- Click the System configuration button.
- Go to Learner Login on the left (under the Maytas Hub Online header).
- Locate the Action Widget section on the right.
- Tick the box for the Skills Forward URL option and enter the URL you wish the button to go to in the text box.
- Click Save.
Skills Forward learners will now see the Skills Forward button on their dashboard, in the Actions widget.
Pending OTJ Notifications
The Notifications widget on the assessor and employer dashboards now includes notifications about pending OTJ rows for learners.
Clicking the notification will show all relevant learners and the number of pending OTJ rows they have.
Clicking a learner will open their Off the Job Training screen for review.
Configurable OTJ Column on Employees Screen
The Employees screen for employer and employer contact users can be configured to show an OTJ Summary column, which displays a progress bar of a learner's recorded off-the-job training activity compared to their calculated required OTJ hours (as shown on the learner's Off The Job Training tab).
The calculation used to produce the progress bar percentage is:
( (Off the job calculator - OTJ hours remaining) / Off the job calculator) x 100
e.g. if the OTJ calculator showed 80 required hours and there were 40 OTJ hours remaining, the progress bar would be at 50%.
You can also hover over the progress bar to view the remaining and total hours.
The OTJ Summary column on the Employees screen is controlled by the same configuration option used to add the column to the assessor Caseload screen:
- Go to Settings on the sidebar.
- Click the System configuration button.
- Go to Assessor Login on the left (under the Maytas Hub Online header).
- In the General section, tick the box for the List of extra columns to show on the caseload screen setting and then tick the OTJ Summary option in the list of extra columns.
- Click Save.
Mandatory Option for File Select Control
The File Select control in the screen designer can now be set to be mandatory on application forms so that a file must be uploaded to successfully submit the form:
In Maytas 5, go to Tools on the toolbar and click New / Load on the Screens panel of the ribbon.
Open the app form screen that you wish to edit.
Select the Controls tab at the bottom-left.
Drag a File Select control onto the design area (or select an existing File Select control on the screen).
Click the File Select control in the design area.
In the properties on the right, tick the Is required (Maytas Hub only) checkbox.
Click Apply.
Go to Home on the toolbar and click the Sync button.
Accessibility - ReciteMe Tools
Maytas Hub can now be configured to include ReciteMe accessibility tools, which provide a wide array of options for users who require additional help when using Maytas Hub. Once enabled, the tools can be applied throughout all of Hub.
To use the tools, customers must first contact Recite to purchase a licence and obtain a key, which can be entered into Maytas Hub (see below). The Maytas Hub URL must also be provided to Recite so that it can be whitelisted.
This is an agreement between the customer and ReciteMe. Once the licence and key have been obtained and the Hub URL has been whitelisted, it is then possible to add the ReciteMe toolbar into Maytas Hub for additional inclusivity for your users.
To enable the ReciteMe tools and enter the key:
- Go to Settings on the sidebar.
- Click the System configuration button.
- Go to Admin on the left (under the Maytas Hub Online header).
- In the ReciteMe section, tick the box for the Key setting and enter your ReciteMe key in the textbox.
- Click Save.
The ReciteMe button will now appear at the top-right of Maytas Hub, alongside the Home, Help and Account buttons.
Clicking the button will display the ReciteMe toolbar along the top of the screen.
For full details of the ReciteMe tools, please see the ReciteMe website.