5.24 SP1 Release (October 2022)
The 5.24 SP1 release contains numerous updates to Maytas and Maytas Hub and is packed with lots of useful features for all customers.
Release Notes
Maytas Main Features
PFR Reconcilers 2022/23
New PFR reconciler reports are now available to work with the 2022/23 PFR files. This year there are separate reports for funding models 35, 36 and 81 to reflect the substantially different formats of each PFR. The reports work the same as in previous years.
Financial Planning 2022/23
The Financial Planning module now supports plans for 2022/23.
Maytas Hub Main Features
Learner Journey
The Learner Journey module is a streamlined view of a learner's important events on a month-by-month basis, available for assessor and learner users.
Configurable OTJ Column on Caseload
The Browse Learners / Caseload screen can be configured to show an OTJ Summary column, which displays a progress bar of a learner's recorded off-the-job training activity compared to their calculated required OTJ hours (as shown on the learner's Off The Job Training tab).
Terminated Learners in Search Results
The Find Learners tool now lets you easily see which learners in the results are live and which are terminated, as well as being able to filter by only showing live learners.
User Panel Overhaul
The power button at the top-right of Maytas Hub has been replaced with a user icon, which leads to a user panel with a variety of options.