Maytas Hub Release Notes

Technical specification

The latest Maytas and Maytas Hub technical specification can be found here.

Maytas Hub Release Notes – Version 5.24.8120.2

Learner Journey

The Learner Journey module is a streamlined view of a learner's important events on a month-by-month basis, available for assessor and learner users. The following events are included:

By default, only outstanding and overdue items are shown, but completed items can also be shown.

Viewing the Journey

When you first open the Learner Journey, the current month will be expanded and all other months will be collapsed. To expand a month, click the button next to the month, and to collapse a month, click the button.

By default, only the current and future months are shown for learners with a live POT. To display past months, click the arrow button at the top right to show the Filters panel, then tick the Show Past Periods box.

Each item within a month can be selected to view its basic details, which will appear in a panel on the right.

Some items will have additional options on the right - e.g. on the IQA Visit example above, the Message Learner envelope can be clicked to open a new message for the learner and the Open Visit button can be clicked to view the full details of the visit.

Once you have finished viewing an item, click the button next to it to hide the panel.

If the learner has any overdue items, these will be indicated at the top-centre of the screen (such as the button in the example above). Clicking the button will show the overdue items.


The Filters panel includes options for configuring what you want to see on the Learner Journey. To access the Filters panel, hover over (or click) the button at the top right of the screen (the panel can be closed by hovering or clicking on the arrow again).

Add Item Button

An Add Item button can be enabled on the Learner Journey screen which allows you to quickly add any of the items which can appear on the Learner Journey.

To enable the button:

  1. Go to Web User Editor on the sidebar.
  2. Search for and select the user that requires permission.
  3. Click Permissions to expand that section.
  4. In the Assessor section, tick the Allow Add Journey Items permission.
  5. Click Save.

The button will now be available at the top-right of the Learner Journey screen. Clicking it will open a panel on the right where you can choose which type of item to add, which will then take you to the relevant wizard for adding the item.

The Journey Items option at the bottom of the list lets you add a simple custom item which only appears in the Learner Journey.

This will then appear in the month set by the Target Date.

When the learner selects this in their Learner Journey, they will have a button to complete and comment on the note.

Learner Journey as Learner Homepage

The Learner Journey screen can be set as the homepage for learner logins:

  1. Go to Web User Editor on the sidebar.
  2. Search for and select the learner.
  3. In the Account Details section, select Learner Journey from the Start Page dropdown box.

  4. Click Save.

Configurable OTJ Column on Caseload

The Browse Learners / Caseload screen can be configured to show an OTJ Summary column, which displays a progress bar of a learner's recorded off-the-job training activity compared to their calculated required OTJ hours (as shown on the learner's Off The Job Training tab).

The calculation used to produce the progress bar percentage is:

( (Off the job calculator - OTJ hours remaining) / Off the job calculator) x 100

e.g. if the OTJ calculator showed 80 required hours and there were 40 OTJ hours remaining, the progress bar would be at 50%.

You can also hover over the progress bar to view the remaining and total hours.

To add the OTJ Summary column to the caseload screen:

  1. Go to Settings on the sidebar.
  2. Click the System configuration button.
  3. Go to Assessor Login on the left (under the Maytas Hub Online header).
  4. In the General section, tick the box for the List of extra columns to show on the caseload screen setting and then tick the OTJ Summary option in the list of extra columns.
  5. Click Save.

Data Collection Forms - Email Confirmation

A confirmation email can now be sent to a learner once they complete a data collection form, which is enabled by setting a flag against the form in the Maytas Screen Designer:

  1. In Maytas 5, go to Tools on the toolbar and select New / Load on the Screens panel of the ribbon.
  2. Open the required form.
  3. On the Overview tab (on the left of the Screen Designer), tick the Email Learner checkbox.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Go to Home on the toolbar and click the Sync button.

A configuration option is available to specify the content of the email:

  1. In Maytas Hub, go to Settings on the sidebar.
  2. Click the System configuration button.
  3. Go to Learner Login on the left (under the Maytas Hub Online header).
  4. In the Data Collection section, tick the checkbox for the Trainee Data Collection Completion Email config.
  5. In the textbox for the config, enter the email body you wish to be sent to learners upon completion of a form. This can include the parameters {FNAME} and {LNAME}, which will display the learner's first and last names in the email.
  6. Click Save.

County Dropdown Box

When adding or editing a learner, assessor or employer, the County field is now a dropdown box using lookups, rather than a text box, which is consistent with how the County field works in Maytas 5.

Terminated Learners in Search Results

The Find Learners tool now lets you easily see which learners in the results are live and which are terminated, as well as being able to filter by only showing live learners.

To access the Find Learners tool, go to Browse Learners on the sidebar and click the Find Learners tab.

By default, when you search for a learner you will see both live and terminated learners in the search results. The details for terminated learners are faded.

If you only wish to see live learners in the results, tick the Live only box at the top, then click the Search button again.

User Panel Overhaul

The power button at the top-right of Maytas Hub has been replaced with a user icon, which leads to a user panel with a variety of options.

A profile image can be uploaded by clicking the default user icon at the top of the panel. The image must be a .jpg or a .png file, which is then stored on the file store once uploaded (note that if a new image is uploaded to replace an existing one, the old image is deleted).

If a user has access to the web user editor, the Manage Account option will be available. This opens the user's own account in the web user editor.

For learner and employer users, the Accessibility Mode toggle button and Accessibility Statement now appear in the user panel.

Auto-Unlock After Form Completion - Return to Homepage

When a user account has been locked until all pending data collection forms have been completed (see details here), the account will now automatically unlock and go to the homepage upon completion.

This can optionally be disabled so that the account will be unlocked upon completion, but the user will be logged out instead of going straight to the homepage:

  1. Go to Settings on the sidebar.
  2. Click the System configuration button.
  3. There are separate configs for assessor, employer and learner users.
    • For assessor users, go to Assessor Login on the left (under the Maytas Hub Online header)
    • For employer users, go to Employer Login on the left (under the Maytas Hub Online header).
    • For learner users, go to Learner Login on the left (under the Maytas Hub Online header).
  4. In the Data Collection section, untick the box for the Unlock accounts upon successful data collection setting on the right and ensure the toggle button is set to OFF.
  5. Click Save.

Data Collection Forms Save Validation Config

A new configuration option is available which lets you choose how saving is handled when completing a data collection form:

  1. Go to Settings on the sidebar.
  2. Click the System configuration button.
  3. Go to Admin on the left (under the Maytas Hub Online header).
  4. In the Data Collection section, ensure the box is ticked for the Enable Save button on Data Collection Forms and choose one of the following options from the dropdown box:

    • On with validation - This is the default option, which applies validation to the form when the Save button is clicked.

    • On without validation - This will allow form saving, but won't apply validation to the form when saving (this is how saving worked on forms in previous versions of Maytas Hub).

    • Off - The Save button is disabled, so that only the Submit button can be clicked.

  5. Click Save.

Evidence Criteria Applied via Tasks Across Multiple Modules

When a task associated with multiple modules (each with evidence criteria) is completed for a learner, the criteria from each of the modules will now be applied to the learner. Previously this method only supported criteria being applied from a single module at a time.

To set up a task that can apply criteria across multiple modules, module templates must first be created (if you do not already have them for the relevant modules):

  1. Go to Browse Modules on the sidebar.
  2. Search for the required module and click it in the search results.
  3. Go to the Templates tab.
  4. Click the Add New Template button.
  5. Enter a name and description for the template and tick the Active box.
  6. Tick the objectives and criteria you wish to include in the template.

  7. Click Save.
  8. Repeat the above steps for additional modules that you wish to add templates for.

Once you have templates set up, a task must be created which will use the templates:

  1. Go to Tasks on the sidebar.
  2. Click the New Task button.
  3. Enter a title and description and set the Active toggle button to a tick.

  4. Set any other options as required and click Save.
  5. Go to the Associated Templates tab.
  6. Click the Templates button.
  7. For each template created above that you wish to include, search for the template and tick the box to the left of it to select it, then click the Add Selection button.

  8. Once all required templates have been added, click the Save Task button.

Finally, the task can be applied to a learner:

  1. Open the learner record and click the Manage Tasks button on the Summary screen.
  2. Go to the Manage Tasks tab. The newly-created task should be visible if the learner has corresponding modules associated with them.

  3. Click the toggle button next to the task to enable it and set the start and target dates as required.

  4. Click Save.
  5. To complete the task and complete the criteria on it for the learner's objectives, create a visit for the learner and go to the Tasks tab in the visit planner.
  6. Select the task (the circle should change to a tick), select the evidence files and click the Complete button.

  7. The evidence will now be completed on all applicable modules.

URLs on Custom Screens and Forms

Custom screens and forms created in the Maytas Screen Designer can now include clickable links / URLs. These must be entered in HTML format, which is detailed below.

The relevant section of the video runs from 21m25s.

To add a URL:

  1. In Maytas 5, go to Tools on the toolbar and click the New / Load button on the Screens panel of the ribbon.
  2. Open the screen you wish to edit or create a new screen.
  3. Go to the Controls tab at the bottom left.
  4. From the Trainee Controls section on the left, drag a Narrative control onto the design area in the middle of the screen.
  5. Select the narrative control in the design area. Its properties will appear on the right.
  6. The URL and any accompanying text can be entered in the Narrative box on the right. The URL must be entered in HTML format as follows:

    	<a href="" target="_blank">Link text</a>
    • Replace with your URL.
    • target="_blank" is optional but strongly recommended, as this will force the link to open in a new browser tab, rather than redirecting the Maytas Hub page you are on.
    • Replace Link text with the text you wish to display for the link.

    For example, if you wanted the narrative to read This is the Tribal website, with a link to, you would enter the following in the narrative box:

    	This is the <a href="" target="_blank">Tribal website</a>

  7. Tick the Maytas Hub Only checkbox. This ensures that the narrative control will only appear in Maytas Hub and not when the screen is viewed in Maytas 5, as URLs are not enabled on Maytas 5 screens.
  8. Click Apply.
  9. Go to Home on the toolbar and click the Sync button. The screen or form will now display the URL in Maytas Hub.