5.26 SP1 Release (October 2023)
The 5.26 Service Pack 1 release contains numerous updates to Maytas and Maytas Hub and is packed with lots of useful features for all customers.
Release Notes
Maytas Main Features
PFR Reconcilers 2023/24
New PFR reconciler reports are now available to work with the 2023/24 PFR files.
Financial Planning 2023/24
The Financial Planning module now supports plans for 2023/24.
FE Workforce 2022/23
The FE Workforce export has been updated for the 2022/23 specification. Additionally, FE Workforce data in Maytas has been migrated to the 2022/23 format as per the data migration specification.
DfE V3 Updates
Maytas now utilises version 3 of the DfE API, which includes updates for additional tables and columns.
Maytas Hub Main Features
New Learner Homepage
The Learner login homepage has been overhauled in a similar way to the assessor homepage. The new screen consists of numerous widgets, each showing a particular overview of data, which can be rearranged or removed so that the screen best suits the needs of each individual user.
Evidence Submission Email
A configuration option is available which allows an email (rather than an internal message) to be sent to an assessor when one of their learners submits evidence.
Employer Contacts - Email Sync
When an employer contact's email address is updated, this can now automatically update their web user account with the new email address.
Full Names on Messages
On the Messages screen, the first name and last name of users is now displayed (where available) for the sender on the Inbox and Trash pages.