5.19 SP1 Release (May 2020)
The planned service pack to our 5.19 release contains numerous updates to Maytas and e-track and is packed with lots of useful features for all customers.
Release Notes
Main Features
Engage Integration
Maytas and e-track now integrate with Engage in the following ways:
- A button in the Engage app can be configured to allow you to log directly into e-track using the Engage user account.
- Linked user accounts for Maytas and Engage can be used to show contact log entries from Maytas in Engage.
- Engage groups can be created from the Module Editor in Maytas, using a module title as the group name.
Signature Fields
New tables and fields have been added to the database to accommodate the use of confirmation checkboxes which can act as signatures. When ticked, a confirmation checkbox will record the user, date and time as auditable data.
Automatically Link Employer to Learner Visit
A new configuration option is available which will automatically link a learner's employer to a visit when a visit is created for the learner. If a learner has multiple active employer records associated with them, the earliest associated employer will be used.