5.20 Service Pack 1 Release (November 2020)
The 5.20 SP1 release contains numerous updates to Maytas and e-track and is packed with lots of useful features for all customers.
Release Notes
Maytas Main Features
PFR Reconcilers for 2020/21
New PFR reconciler reports for 2020/21 which allow you to reconcile funding information for funding models 35, 36 and 81.
Financial Planning 2020/21 Rollover
Updates to the Financial Planning module to allow plans for 2020/21.
Employer Contacts
An overhauled system for recording and assigning employer contacts is now available. Contacts can be entered against an employer, and a learner can then be assigned one of those contacts as their key contact for the employer. Whenever a data collection form is assigned to an employer to complete on behalf of a learner, the form will be sent to the learner's key contact for completion. If a learner does not have a key contact specified, the form will be sent to the employer user instead.
Engage Integration Updates
A new tab has been created which shows the basic web user account details for a learner or assessor, including their Edge Person ID which is used in the Engage integration.
e-track Main Features
Skill Scans
e-track now supports skill scans as part of the Module Editor for recording and measuring learner progression and distance travelled. Skill scans can be added to new or existing objectives so that learners and employers can assess a learner's understanding of their qualification at various stages throughout their learning. Assessors can view completed skill scans to determine progress and identify any gaps in knowledge.
When a module is configured to include skill scans, any learners who are then newly assigned that module will be sent skill scans on an automatic schedule which is configured on the module. You can also choose for a learner not to be sent skill scans when the module is assigned to them. Note that learners who were already on a module before it was configured for skill scans will not be included in a schedule, but skill scans can still be manually added to their record.
Employer Contacts
An overhauled system for recording and assigning employer contacts is now available. Contacts can be entered against an employer, and a learner can then be assigned one of those contacts as their key contact for the employer. Whenever a data collection form is assigned to an employer to complete on behalf of a learner, the form will be sent to the learner's key contact for completion. If a learner does not have a key contact specified, the form will be sent to the employer user instead.
Workflows can now be created in e-track for data authentication forms and visit forms. A workflow in e-track is a series of interlinked forms which can be sent to a user or users for completion in a particular sequence or series of stages. For example, you could specify that all forms in stage 1 must be completed by a learner before the forms in stage 2 can be completed by their employer.