Business Health Check


The Business Health Check dashboard shows a summary of current figures and a comparison of target vs actual starters.


Current Figures

Shows various learner counts for key measures.

Note that the Applications count only includes learners on an applicant contractor, whereas all other counts on this chart only include learners who are NOT on an applicant contractor.

Targets vs Actual Starts

Shows the number of learners who started each month in the selected time period compared to the target number of starters. The targets are set at contractor level and are taken from the BI_STARTTARGETS table, which has a row for every contractor, year and month. These can be entered using the Global Updater.

Target Variance (actual starts minus target starts)

This shows the overall difference across the selected time period between actual starts and target starts. A positive number shows green and indicates the surplus starts, whereas a negative number shows red and indicates the shortfall of starts.