5.25 Release (March 2023)
The 5.25 release contains numerous updates to Maytas and Maytas Hub and is packed with lots of useful features for all customers.
Release Notes
Maytas Main Features
Web User Editor Improvements
The Web User Editor has been updated to have an improved interface as well as some functionality improvements.
Standard Import Improvements
Table and field tracking
Multiple recipients for email notifications
Handling of special characters in imports
Course Improvements
The Courses module has been updated with various improvements:
Prospectuses with an end date in the past are grayed out in course search results and will not be available for selection on the New Course Application screen or in the Add New Course wizard.
Courses with an end date in the past are grayed out in course search results.
Course templates can be made obsolete, which prevents them from appearing for selection when creating a course.
DfE Outcome Enhancements
The Maytas integration with the DfE Manage Teacher Continuing Professional Development service now supports DfE outcomes for NPQ participants. This allows you to download outcomes from the DfE for matching participants and upload new outcomes from Maytas to the DfE.
Preferred Gender Pronouns
A learner's preferred gender pronouns can now be specified on the learner Summary tab.
Publish Tab Wizard Enhancements
The Publish Tab Wizard which lets you publish or unpublish tabs has the following new features:
A Table column has been added to show which table / entity the tab is based upon.
All tabs are now included in the list (previously certain tabs, such as system tabs, were not included).
Filters for the tab name and table are now available to help find tabs more quickly.
Maytas Hub Main Features
Login Page Improvements
The Maytas Hub login page has been improved with a modernised interface and more configurable options.
Sidebar Expand / Collapse / Pin
The sidebar is now collapsed by default and will automatically expand when the mouse moves over it. When expanded, the sidebar also now has a pin button which will keep the sidebar expanded until it is unpinned or you move to another screen.
The collapsed and expanded sidebar.
Learner Journey - Risk Level
Learners can now be graded as high, medium or low risk in the Learner Journey.
Hide Admin Buttons on Learner Summary
The admin buttons at the top of the learner Summary screen can now be hidden or displayed with the arrow button to the left of them.
Single Sign On with Azure B2C
Maytas Hub users can now link their Hub user account to an Azure B2C user, so that the Azure B2C credentials can be used to login to Maytas Hub.
Force Evidence Files and Message Subjects to be Renamed
An option is now available to force learners to rename evidence files and the message subject before the files are uploaded.
Data Collection Form and Skill Scan Completion Improvements
When a user has multiple data collection forms to complete, the pop-up window which appears upon login now includes a Grid View button which shows a list of all the user's outstanding forms.
Additionally, when learner and employer users have data collection forms and skill scans to complete, options for both will now appear on the prompt.
Web User Accounts for Employer Contacts
Employer contacts can now be given a web user account so that employers can effectively have more than one Maytas Hub user.
Custom Validation Message
When custom validation is used on a screen created in the Screen Designer, a custom validation message can now be defined. If no custom validation is specified, a default error message will appear when invalid data is entered.
Learner Login - Mappings Coverage Progress Chart
The Learner Login homepage can now include a chart which shows a learner's overall progress in terms of the criteria they have submitted evidence for (regardless of whether it has been assessed) as a percentage of their total criteria.