List of Maytas Activities
The following activities are some of the most commonly used. They can all be found under the Maytas tab in the process editor.
Activity Name | Description |
AddAssessor/EmployerActivity | These two activities add an assessor or employer account to the system. Each requires the ControlName parameter to be set (as they add a new account, it is advisable to use the Basic Assessor/Employer Details control). |
AddAttendanceActivity | This adds an attendance record for a learner. All required parameters are set by default. |
AddTraineeAttributesActivity | This adds vacancy attributes to a learner. All required parameters are set by default. |
AddContractActivity | This is used in the Contracts module to add contractors and contracts. It requires the ControlName parameter to be set. |
AddEmployerBranchActivity | This adds a branch to an employer. The activity should be used in an Employer process and requires the ControlName parameter to be set (the Employer Details control is recommended for adding a branch). |
AddNewCurrentUserUserTaskActivity | This adds a user task to the logged-in user. It requires the ControlName parameter to be set. |
AddTraineeLinkActivity | This adds a row to one of the auxiliary trainee tables, such as TRAINEE_ILR_AIMS. Two parameters must be set: first the ControlDataContextType, which sets the table to use, and second the ControlName. The ControlName list is populated depending on the selected table. |
AddTraineeToCoursesActivity | This lets you add a trainee to a course stream (either directly onto it or as an applicant). All required parameters are set by default. |
Add/EditDocumentActivity | AddDocumentActivity adds a visit of type Document to the user’s diary. EditDocumentActivity can be added within an AddDocumentActivity to open the document for editing once it has been created. Both activities require the ControlName property to be set. |
AddPayslipActivity | This adds a payslip for a trainee. It requires the ControlName parameter to be set. |
AddPersonnelManagerActivity | This adds a manager to a personnel member. This must be in a process created under the Personnel entity. It requires the ControlName parameter to be set. |
AddPersonnelTeamMemberActivity | This adds a team member to a manager in the Personnel module. It requires the ControlName parameter to be set. |
AddPlanEventActivity | This adds a plan event to a learner or assessor. It requires the ControlName parameter to be set. |
AddSimpleVisitActivity | This adds a simple visit to a learner, assessor or employer. |
AddTraineeActivity | This can be used to create an alternative to the standard process for adding a trainee to the system. It should be added to a process in the Trainee entity, and the ProcessType property of the process should be set to Sy. The activity requires the ControlName parameter to be set. Once the process has been created, it should be mapped to a command. |
AddTraineeAllowanceItemActivity | This allows you to enter a new allowance item. It requires the ControlName parameter to be set. |
AddTraineePOTActivity | This adds a new POT to a trainee. It requires the ControlName parameter to be set. |
AddTRAssessor | This associates an assessor with a trainee. It requires the ControlName parameter to be set. |
AddTREmployerActivity | This associates an employer with a trainee. It requires the ControlName parameter to be set. |
AddUserActivity | This adds a Maytas 5 user account. It should only be used in a Permissions process, and requires the ControlName parameter to be set. |
AddVacancyActivity | This can be used to create an alternative to the standard process for adding a vacancy to the system. It should be added to a process in the Vacancies entity, and the ProcessType property of the process should be set to Sy. The activity requires the ControlName parameter to be set. Once the process has been created, it should be mapped to a command. |
AddUserTaskActivity | This will add a user task with details specified in the Task section of the activity's properties. |
ApplyTemplateActivity | This adds a template to a learner. All required parameters are set by default. |
ApplySpecificTemplateActivity | This applies the template selected in the Template property of the activity. |
AddVisitActivity | This adds a visit to a trainee, assessor or employer. It requires the ControlName parameter to be set. |
AddWebUserActivity | This adds a new web user (i.e. for Maytas Hub) to the system. All required parameters are set by default. |
ChangeCentreActivity | This allows you to change the centre of the current user. All required parameters are set by default. |
CloneUserPermissionsActivity | This activity can be placed inside an AddUserActivity to allow you to copy permissions from an existing user after creating a new user. |
ContactLogActivity | This can be used after a SendEmailActivity to add the email to the contact log. The SentEmail property should be bound to the SentEmail property of the SendEmailActivity. To do this, click the SentEmail property in ContactLogActivity and click the button at the end of the row. Click the + button to expand the SendEmailActivity (usually sendEmailActivity1), select SentEmail and click OK. |
ContractActivity | This can be used in the AddContract process to edit a contract once it has been created. |
CreateDocumentActivity | This adds a document entry to a learner's diary. All required parameters are set by default. |
CreateTraineePDFActivity | This allows you to export the ILR and LLWR forms for a learner, creating a PDF. The specific form must be selected from SourcePDFName, and the filename should be entered in TargetFileName. You can also enter a full path (e.g. C:\Temp\Form.pdf) to specify where the PDF will be exported to; otherwise the PDF should be saved when it is created. |
EditAssessor/Employer/Trainee/Activity |
These activities allow you to edit existing data. In order to work, they must be used in the correct context so that the activity can find the relevant data to edit. For example, placing EditEmployerActivity directly onto an employer process would work, as it can edit the employer from which the process is run. Placing it directly on a trainee process would not work, however, as it would not know which employer to edit. In order to work, it would need to be placed inside a LocateTREmployerActivity (see below), which finds an employer to edit. The key principle with any Edit activity is that its parent context, whether that is the base process or a Locate activity, must match its own context. |
EditVacancyActivity | This can be used on the AddVacancy process to edit a vacancy once it has been added. It requires the ControlName parameter to be set. |
EditTraineeLinkActivity | This allows you to edit data from one of the auxiliary trainee tables (such as TRAINEE_ILR_AIMS). It must be placed in the context of a trainee (i.e. placed directly on a trainee process or inside a LocateTraineeActivity). Two parameters must be set: first the ControlDataContextType, which sets the table to use, and second the ControlName. The ControlName list is populated depending on the selected table. |
LocateTRAssessor/TREmployerActivity | These locate an assessor or employer associated with a trainee, and therefore they must be used in a trainee context. They can be used in conjunction with an Edit activity to allow you to edit an assessor or employer’s data. The LocatorMethod parameter must be set, which determines the way in which the assessor/employer is located. |
Locate/EditPayslipActivity | These two activities allow you to edit a payslip for a trainee. The EditPayslipActivity should be placed inside a LocatePayslipActivity. The Locate activity requires the LocatorMethod to be set and the Edit activity requires the ControlName to be set. |
Locate/EditPersonnelManagerActivity | These two activities allow you to change who the manager of a personnel member is. The EditPersonnelManagerActivity should be placed inside a LocatePersonnelManagerActivity. The Locate activity requires the LocatorMethod to be set and the Edit activity requires the ControlName to be set. These activities must be in a process created under the Personnel entity. |
Locate/EditPersonnelTeamMemberActivity | These two activities allow you to edit the details of team members for an assessor manager. The EditPersonnelTeamMemberActivity should be placed inside a LocatePersonnelTeamMemberActivity. The Locate activity requires the LocatorMethod to be set and the Edit activity requires the ControlName to be set. These activities must be in a process created under the Personnel entity. |
Locate/EditPlanEventActivity | These two activities allow you to edit a plan event for a trainee. The EditPlanEventActivity should be placed inside a LocatePlanEventActivity. The Locate activity requires the LocatorMethod to be set and the Edit activity requires the ControlName to be set. |
EditProfileActivity | This can be used on the AddProfile process to edit a profile once it has been added. It requires the ControlName parameter to be set. |
EditProfileDimensionActivity | This can be used on the AddProfile process to edit profile dimensions once they have been added. It requires the ControlName parameter to be set. |
EditReportActivity | This can be used on the AddReport process to edit a report once it has been created. It requires the ControlName parameter to be set. |
Locate/EditTraineeAllowanceItemActivity | These two activities allow you to edit an allowance entitlement for a trainee. The EditTraineeAllowanceItemActivity should be placed inside a LocateTraineeAllowanceItemActivity. The Locate activity requires the LocatorMethod to be set and the Edit activity requires the ControlName to be set. |
EditUserTaskActivity | This can be used inside an AddNewCurrentUserUserTaskActivity to edit the new user task once it has been created. It requires the ControlName property to be set. |
MailMergeActivity | See MailMergeActivity. |
QuickMailMergeActivity |
This lets you run an existing mail merge. It requires the following properties to be set:
FileChooseActivity | This simply allows you to browse for and select a file, and is intended to be used in conjunction with other activities (e.g. UploadTraineeActivity, which would let you select a file then upload it to a trainee’s file store). All required parameters are set by default. |
LocateVisitActivity | This locates a visit associated with a trainee, assessor or employer. It can be used in conjunction with an EditVisitActivity to allow you to edit visit data. The LocatorMethod parameter must be set, which determines the way in which the visit is located. |
EditWebUserActivity | This can be used in the Add WebUser process to edit a web user once they have been added. It requires the ControlName parameter to be set. |
LocateEmployerVisitActivity | This locates a visit in an employer's diary. It can be used in conjunction with an EditVisitActivity to edit the visit. The LocatorMethod parameter must be set, which determines the way in which the visit is located. |
LocateGeneralEventActivity | This locates a general event in a learner's diary. It does not require an Edit activity as a child - instead, if the ResultsMode property is set to OtherActivity, it will work independently. It also requires the LocatorMethod to be set. |
LocateProfileDimensionsActivity | This locates a profile dimension in the profiling module. It does not require an Edit activity as a child - instead, if the ResultsMode property is set to OtherActivity, it will work independently. It also requires the LocatorMethod to be set. |
LocateTraineePOTActivity | This locates a specific POT for a learner. It can be used with a child activity of EditTraineeActivity to edit a specific POT. It requires the ControlName and LocatorMethod properties to be set. |
RepeaterActivity | This is used for activities which you may want to perform more than once, such as adding a number of sub aims or diary events. The repeater loops round on a screen, and after each loop asks whether or not you want to perform the activity again. It requires an activity within it to repeat on, and also requires the YesQuestion and NoQuestion parameters to be set. These determine the text that will be shown to continue or end the loop, where YesQuestion is the option to loop again and NoQuestion is the option to end the loop. |
ReportViewSelectorActivity | This can be added as a child to an EditReportActivity. It allows you to choose the data view to use for the report. |
ReportFieldsSelectorActivity | This can be added as a child to an EditReportActivity. It allows you to choose the fields to use on the report. |
ReportFieldLayoutActivity | This can be added as a child to an EditReportActivity. It allows you to order the fields in the report. |
ReportFilterSelectorActivity | This can be added as a child to an EditReportActivity. It allows you to add filters to the fields in the report. |
ReportGroupSelectorActivity | This can be added as a child to an EditReportActivity. It allows you to group and sort the fields in the report. |
ReportThemeSelectorActivity | This can be added as a child to an EditReportActivity. It allows you to choose the colour theme of the report. |
ReportingExtractionActivity | See ReportingExtractionActivity. |
ReportingExtractAndExportActivity | See ReportingExtractAndExportActivity. |
RunProcessActivity | This runs another process within a process. This is useful if you have a set of activities which are used frequently in processes, as they can be saved as a process and then added easily to another process using RunProcessActivity. The process to run should be selected from the Process property. Please note that the selected process must be valid in the context of the parent process (e.g. if you select a trainee process, the parent process must be in the context of a trainee). |
SaveActivity | This saves all changes made in the activity up to this point. All required parameters are set by default. |
TraineeVacancySearchActivity | This allows you to search for vacancies to add to a trainee. All required parameters are set by default. |
SendEmailActivity | See SendEmailActivity. |
SetPOTDefaultsActivity | This is used to set the value of TRAINEEPOT.AGEGROUP to the correct age group (i.e. the learner's age at start). |
UploadTraineeActivity | See UploadTraineeActivity. |
VisitPlannerActivity | This creates a set of planned visits for a trainee. All required parameters are set by default. |
YesNoQuestionActivity | See YesNoQuestionActivity. |