5.22 SP1 Release (October 2021)

The 5.22 release contains numerous updates to Maytas and Maytas Hub and is packed with lots of useful features for all customers.

Release Notes

Overview Maytas Maytas Hub ontrack WBL
Cover Letter Upgrade Guide Upgrade Guide Upgrade Guide
Upgrade Checklist ESFA Release Notes Release Notes Release Notes
Statement of Desupport LLWR Release Notes Features and Fixed Issues  
  Features and Fixed Issues    

Maytas Main Features

PFR Reconcilers for 2021/22

The relevant section of the video runs from the start until 8m47s.

New PFR reconciler reports for 2021/22 which allow you to reconcile funding information for funding models 35, 36 and 81.

Financial Planning 2021/22

The relevant section of the video runs from 8m48s to the end.

Updates to the Financial Planning module to allow plans for 2021/22, as well as new functionality.

Data Collection Updates

It is now possible to configure when a GUID will expire for data collection and password reset links. Additionally, reminder emails for data collection forms can now be sent out to ensure users complete assigned forms by their due date.

Apprenticeship Service (AS) Export Updates

The AS Export has been updated to meet the requirements of the V4 specification.

Bulk Apply Templates Beta

The Bulk Apply Templates feature should be considered a beta version and must ONLY be used on a test system, not a live system. Due to the complexity and wide scope of this feature, it is possible that there are as-yet undetected issues which could result in irrevocable data loss and other problems. We expect this to come out of beta and become a full feature as of the 5.23 release.

The Bulk Apply Templates wizard allows you to apply a template to multiple learners at once.

Maytas Hub Main Features

PCR - Hyperlinks in Messages and Learning Plan Templates

The relevant section of the video runs from 35s to 2m22s.

Hyperlinks can now be included in messages and learning plan templates.

PCR - ILP Improvements for Learner Login

The relevant section of the video runs from 2m23s to 5m13s.

The way in which a learner's ILP is accessed in the learner login is now consistent with the assessor login.

PCR - Data Collection Form Reminders

Reminder emails for data collection forms can now be sent out to ensure users complete assigned forms by their due date.

Permission Group Updates

The Maytas User permission group now includes access to Browse Modules by default. If the Edit Workflows permission is enabled, the Maytas User group also has access to Data Authentication.

Additionally, there is now a Maytas User Login section on the System Configuration screen which contains configuration options specifically relevant to the Maytas User permission group.

Clone Web User Groups

Web user groups can now be cloned and saved under a different name, so that variations on groups with similar permissions can be set up without having to create each group from scratch.

Configurable GUID Expiry for Data Collection and Password Resets

It is now possible to configure when a GUID will expire for data collection and password reset links.

Module Editor - Import Evidence Category Lookups

When importing a module into the Module Editor, there is now the option to import any evidence category lookups from the import file which are not already in the database.

Web User Editor - Locked User Administration Enhancements

A new standalone permission, Restricted Web User Editor, is available in the web user editor which gives a user the ability to lock and unlock accounts, but no other admin functionality.