Business Intelligence (BI) - Panintelligence

The Business Intelligence module for Panintelligence is a collection of dashboards which present information vital to your business, generated from live data, so that you can see at a glance where you are achieving your goals and where your attention is needed. Each dashboard is oriented around a particular area of interest, such as applicants, progression and business-wide KPIs, including charts relevant to that area designed to provide information required on a long-term and day-to-day basis. Every dashboard can be filtered by centres and contractors, as well showing either a year-to-date view or a rolling 12 month period.

This module is based on the Panintelligence platform and is separate to the Power BI module for Maytas.

The pages in this section detail the standard dashboards and charts provided by Tribal in the Business Intelligence module. On this page, you can click on each dashboard header to view the details for that dashboard. You can also expand each dashboard to preview the charts and their layout.

General tips and miscellaneous notes about using the BI module can be found here.

For information about purchasing the Business Intelligence module, please contact your account manager.